
Travelling - A Big Initial Hurdle... Boy/Girlfriend Edition

So you've decided to go on the trip of a lifetime and your mind is set and have started saving up for it, there are 2 sets of important people that you need to involve...

Firstly the other half.

Getting them on board with the whole travelling situ should, in theory, be easier to deal with than parents as they are on your level... but nonetheless hard to tackle.  I didn't have to explain to Shawn why I want to do it because he knows it's something I've dreamt of for-like-ever. When I finally decided I was definitely doing it, he told me to go and do it because it's something that I've always wanted to do.  GREAT! So I go and book the flights then afterwards he's like WHAT?! You're going for THREEEE months.  I'm pretty sure I told him this before...

Anyways, the point I'm trying to make is make sure that you discuss all the details with your loverboy/girl because at the end of the day, it does put a strain on relationship being so far away from each other.  What I found difficult is communicating when there's the time difference to consider on top of just being busy doing things whilst you're away (especially in Australia where it was 11hrs ahead at times and you're totally on an opposite schedule).  Really hone in on the ways you can communicate with each other: 1 seriously good tip is BRING THAT SMART PHONE!

1) Skype will be your new best friend! Whether it's in an internet cafe or on your phone.  Every hostel/hotel in Asia practically has wifi so being able to use Skype on your phone is aweeesome.
2) Whatsapp
3) Emails/ Facebook etc.

Despite how difficult it was, I'm so glad I did it because we're still together and going strong at the end of it (he was SUPER nice when I got back as well - plus plus plus points!).  Though, sometimes I really do wish that he was there to go on the amazeballs journey with me to experience all the wonderful things too.



  1. I have been the one travelling and the one left behind (though never for longer than 4/5) weeks and it isn't fun. I always prefer it when we're together but travelling is so amazing it's definitely worth doing it in whatever way you can. We're more text and email people with a few calls thrown in due to time differences but without that I think we'd have struggled!

    Can't wait to hear more about your travels.

    Laura x

  2. I totally agree with you! It's to difficult for both sides... though maybe better for the one going away as they're the ones having fun!

    Thanks Laura xx
