
Travelling - A Big Initial Hurdle... Boy/Girlfriend Edition

So you've decided to go on the trip of a lifetime and your mind is set and have started saving up for it, there are 2 sets of important people that you need to involve...

Firstly the other half.

Getting them on board with the whole travelling situ should, in theory, be easier to deal with than parents as they are on your level... but nonetheless hard to tackle.  I didn't have to explain to Shawn why I want to do it because he knows it's something I've dreamt of for-like-ever. When I finally decided I was definitely doing it, he told me to go and do it because it's something that I've always wanted to do.  GREAT! So I go and book the flights then afterwards he's like WHAT?! You're going for THREEEE months.  I'm pretty sure I told him this before...

Anyways, the point I'm trying to make is make sure that you discuss all the details with your loverboy/girl because at the end of the day, it does put a strain on relationship being so far away from each other.  What I found difficult is communicating when there's the time difference to consider on top of just being busy doing things whilst you're away (especially in Australia where it was 11hrs ahead at times and you're totally on an opposite schedule).  Really hone in on the ways you can communicate with each other: 1 seriously good tip is BRING THAT SMART PHONE!

1) Skype will be your new best friend! Whether it's in an internet cafe or on your phone.  Every hostel/hotel in Asia practically has wifi so being able to use Skype on your phone is aweeesome.
2) Whatsapp
3) Emails/ Facebook etc.

Despite how difficult it was, I'm so glad I did it because we're still together and going strong at the end of it (he was SUPER nice when I got back as well - plus plus plus points!).  Though, sometimes I really do wish that he was there to go on the amazeballs journey with me to experience all the wonderful things too.



New Curlers: Amika Review

I recently bought some new curlers using some birthday money.  I've been meaning to get one for a while now but couldn't decide. Whilst at House of Fraser the other day, I walked past the Amika counter and was pulled in to get my hair curled.  I was really impressed and as every sales persons dream, I was talked into buying them.  I bought the 25mm ones as it was perfect for my hair length. It also comes in 19mm for much tigher curls and a bigger barrell for longer hair.

I decided to get it on a whim based on the following reasons:

1) The hair curlers worked a dream and curled hair really quickly -  I don't have the time or patience to spend that long doing my hair.
2) They are ceramic so is much healthier for the hair. The technology allows even heat distribution.
3) They were bought at £79.99 however, this has lifetime guarantee so if they breakdown, you can go to any Amika counter with your receipt and get a replacement pair on the spot.
4) You can get your hair done at any Amika counters the next 3 years whilst you're out and about.

I think paying this amount of money for curlers is extortionate but the lifetime guarantee and instant replacement really did it for me as it's so easy for cheap curlers to breakdown or not work as well. Also, I want my hair to damage my hair so it's important to get the right ones.

It comes with nice box - what you would expect in this price range.

It's also nice that it has an on/off button as some just turn on as soon as you plug it in.

It comes with a glove just in case you dont want to burn youself.  It's also a 360 degree swivel cord so it's easy to manoeuver it whilst you're curling. (And an extra large label to warn children!).

I've not used it much but here's the end result!
Loose curls can be done by wrapping sections of it for about 5 seconds...

... and for tighter curls, curl smaller sections of hair round the wand for about 10 seconds. (I didn't spend too long on it, but it can be a lot tighter and 'ringletty').

I'm quite impressed with this curler and really like the loose curls that it makes.  It also feels smooth and soft after it's been curled. I'm so happy I can have a different hair style now instead of a dead straight bob!!

Have you used Amika before and what do you think?



Week in Photos...

1. Peking Duck Bloomer sandwich from M&S Cafe... divine!
2. Hot chocolate with all the bells and whistles
3. Shawn with our fav Oreo shake from GBK
4. New basketball net above our desk at work!
5. Rain rain go away...
6. My flatmates homemade cupcakes
7. My first magazine in ageeeees
8. Victoria spongecake with extra cream
9. My current beverage obsession


Inspire #2 - Don't Worry...

Something we should all live by... easier said than done at times?


My New Pad!

I recently moved to the outskirts of London (from Zone 3 to Zone 5 shock horror!).  It's to make my commute to work more bearable as I was doing almost 1.5hrs each way and wasting 3hrs of my life everyday.  I wasn't too sure about moving alllllll the way to Zone 5 being so far away from Central and all that but I'm loving it so far :)

Without further ado...here is the pad.

Living room

Living room part deux (lighting = fail)

My bathroom...

My bedroom...

I ♥ my new wardrobe...

So that's pretty much it!  Isn't it cute??




I've decided to add a travel section to my blog!

I want to share my experiences and tips to those who are:
A) thinking of going travelling
B) who are going and planning their travels
C) simply interested and live in wanderlust

Before I left, I was searching high and low through online sites, forums etc to find info and tips. So I thought I'd do my own version on here and hope to share everything from packing, budgeting, to tips on the road - though my experiences at the moment are limited to Australia and the South East Asia!



Another Year Older...

Can't believe another year has come round again... and I've gained another year.

This year I didn't want to celebrate really as I really don't like turning old!  Had a beautiful dinner with Shawn on the day and then had a family get together bank holiday weekend. Love it when the fam get together

From work :)
Birthday meal with Shawn

Family BBQ - yummmmm...

Bubbles in the sky
Yeeeeeh yehhhhhh

My bro and sisters
Happy birthday to us!
Family lunch minus my bros family
